
About Me
Innovative Landscape Design

If you want to create a special landscaping project and you need some inspiration, you have come to the right place! On this site, we will guide you through the process of planning an innovative landscaping solution, buying different plants and trees, and installing lighting and water features. By the time you have finished reading this blog, we hope that you will feel confident enough to start work on a truly stunning project. We aren't industry professional but everyone who contribute to this blog has a passion for this subject. We hope that their passion shines through in the words they write. Enjoy


Why You Should Always Use A Professional Clearing Company To Remove Vegetation Around Your Home Or Business

8 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

It can be really frustrating to live with a lot of overgrown brush around your home, and this can be even more frustrating as a business where the way you present yourself can impact how many customers you get. However, going out and trying to clear out any significant amount of untouched vegetation is filled with problems that could get you into a sticky legal and financial situation. The last thing you want to do is fix one problem only to end up in a much bigger issue, so here are a few reasons that illustrate why you should use a professional vegetation clearing company instead of doing it on your own. Read More …

Three Issues that You Should Look Out For When Getting a Building Inspection

30 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Building inspections are a necessity when buying property as they uncover any problems that could lie within the property. It is essential for every investor or prospective homeowner to carry out an intensive building inspection before buying a property. Once the inspector has done their part and presented the report, you may be faced with a series of issues which can either be mild or severe. While minor problems such as chipping paint or a broken fixture may not affect the sale, other severe issues should cause you to rethink the entire transaction. Read More …

Tips for Setting up a Vertical Wall Garden

30 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a small back yard, you can be torn about its landscaping. Do you create more outdoor living areas, or do you plant a vegetable and herb garden to make fresh produce for your kitchen? One way to resolve this dilemma is to go upwards and establish a wall garden. That way, you can reserve the horizontal ground for beautiful hardscape features such as a travertine paved patio. Here are some tips on setting up your vertical garden. Read More …

Why Buffalo Turf Is The Best Choice For Family Homes

29 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Children love to play outside, whether that be with family members, pets or friends that come over, there is always something to do. Australia is also well known for producing many great prodigious sporting talents who all started their journey playing around in the backyard. But how do you manage a garden that is constantly being trampled over by energetic kids? The last thing you want to do is curtail their enthusiasm, as it is great for their health and their imagination, but you also don't want to spend thousands every year on replanting your lawn. Read More …

Types of Lawn Mowers

26 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you browse lawn mowers for sale, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the range on offer. The first thing you need to decide is which type of lawn mower you want to buy. The right answer to this question depends on your budget and the size of the garden you need to maintain. Here is a summary of the key features, benefits, and drawbacks of each type of lawn mower. Read More …